Mondays are a challenge. I'm already not a morning person, and somehow I figured that when I started working from home the Monday "thing" would be different. But it's NOT. Somehow I'm convinced my minions know that its Monday and their dad won't be home until late and so they decide to challenge as many things as possible...before 9am.
While they're both napping right now (a miracle in and of itself) I scanned the living room to count no fewer than 3 sippy cups, an entire emptied basket of dog toys, and enough toys to stock an FAO Schwartz (does that store still exist??)
Maybe I should be taking these few precious quiet minutes to tidy up or be otherwise productive but I'm going to take at least 5 to relax and drink some diet guilty pleasure. And why? Because I need those 5 minutes to help me recharge my patience so I can remember to speak softly, be patient, and treat my these little souls God has entrusted me to care for with the love and kindness they deserve.
Being a mom is hard. Being a mom on Monday is harder.
If you have any tips for avoiding the Mondays I'd love to hear them!
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